Serving Columbia, Fulton, Jefferson City and the Mid Missouri area
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This is the inside of a septic tank. As you can tell that the concrete baffle on the outlet side of this tank has collapsed. PVC sanitary tee’s work better than this concrete baffles. The collapse of the baffles may be due to different detergents that homeowners use to clean their clothes. This baffles needs to be repaired.
As can be seen from this picture the Lagoon needs to be clear of any vegetation and any heavy timber at least 50 feet away from the Lagoon’s edge.
This waste boot flashing was cut to big so that it will allow rain water to enter the attic area. You can see the deck from this picture. This is new construction. The saying is true that there is no perfect house.
Exhaust vents have been mixed on this roof. Factors affecting attic ventilation are mixing different exhaust products on the same home. And then when using just one type you need to make sure that the ventilation being used is appropriate for the size of attic space.
This picture is of a Sewer System called a drip irrigation and this picture is inside the tank that pumps the effluent to the drip field.
The levels in this house were double the recommended EPA level of 4.0
Crawlspace needs to be dry and well ventilated and all water lines need to be insulated in order to prevent freezing water pipes. A vapor barrier was also missing from this crawlspace.
Recent Septic Inspection that showed that the drain field was not accepting the effluent from exiting the septic tank and was backing up into the septic and eventually would backup into the house.